Sunday, May 1, 2011


    We all remember how we felt, when we were on a date with someone we thought was very special. We couldn't wait for the chance to go on this date with this person whom we thought were someone special. The day and time has arrived. But right before that exact moment, maybe an hour or two before, We became apprehensive. You start asking yourself questions like. What if this special person or this person whom you thought is special, don't like you? Your ego kicks in and says. "They're going to like you, you got it going on, you're HOT STUFF." You try to tell your ego to shut up, but it's not listening. Your ego keep on BOOSTING you by telling you that, "you're the GREATEST person in the world. This person is going to fall head over heels for you." It finally stopped And you said to yourself  well, I hope this person is an amicable individual, at least maybe you will end up having a good time.
    Now you're finally on this date with this special person or person whom you thought was special. And before too long you realized, this person is your worst NIGHTMARE. This person sits there and let you do all the talking, barely says anything, maybe because they're too shy or because they figure you're the one who wants to get to know them, either way it's a bad situation. Now you mentally start calling this person every name in the book, at the same time hoping something will happen to get you out of this date IMMEDIATELY, right now, right this minute. Have you ever stopped to think the other person on this date with you is thinking and feeling the same way about you. It's not always the OTHER PERSON, sometimes it's you. Take a look at yourself, your behavior and your APPROACH.. 

(c)copyright: 01-11-2010

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