Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Dating Game..Thinking You are Hot Stuff..

All of us can remember how we felt, when we went on a date with someone that we thought was very special. But before the date happened. We couldn't wait for the time to come, so that we could go on this date with the person whom we thought was someone special.

The day and time has arrived. But right before the exact moment. Maybe an hour are two before we go on the date, we became apprehensive. We start asking ourselves, questions like these. "What if this person whom I thought is so special, don't like me?" Your ego kicks in and said. "They're going to like you, you got it going on, you're HOT STUFF." You try to tell your ego to shut up, but it's not listening to you. Your ego kept on BOOSTING you, by telling you that. "You're the GREATEST person in the world. This person whom you think is so special, is going to fall head over heels for you." Your ego finally stopped. And you said to yourself, "well, I hope this person is an amicable individual, at least, maybe I will end up having a good time."

Now you're finally on your date with this person whom you thought is so special. And before too long you realized, that this person whom you thought is so special, is your worst NIGHTMARE. This person just sits there as quiet as a Church Mouse, and let you do all the talking, barely says anything. Maybe because they're too shy, or they figured, that you're the one who wants to get to know them. Either way it's becoming a bad situation very fast. Now you start thinking to yourself, and mentally calling this person every name in the book that you can imagine. And at the same time you're hoping that something will happen to get you out of this date IMMEDIATELY, right now, right this minute, without hurting this persons feelings.

Have you ever stop, and think for a moment, that the other person who is on this date with you, is thinking and feeling the same way about you, as you felt about them. It's not always the other person, sometimes it's you or me. Take a closer look at yourself, your behavior, and your approach!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Without Faith, There is No Hope..

When you're down, but not out. And all hope seems to be lost, trust in God, and keep the faith. Without faith, there is no hope, that's why sometimes, it might feels as if you're lost. 

With all your troubles, yours might not be the worst. Things will get better, you just don't know when. Don't let life get you down, and put upon your face, a frown. Don't give up on yourself, God will do the rest. Trust in God! There is a God in this world, keep the faith and you will endure.

Even though it's difficult at times, when you're frustrated, because you're down on your luck, and life challenges has become so burdensome, to the point where you feel like giving up. Never, ever, give up on your life. Always believe in God, and yourself!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Personification of a Beautiful Woman..

Immaculately beautiful you are
Most people don't see it from a far
You're the personification of a beautiful woman
Your beauty fascinates every man

Your beauty is exceptionally unique
Most of my friends
Thinks that you are a freak
A freak of nature, they think you are
Because, only mother nature
Could create someone or something
With such exceptional beauty

Many of my friends has told me
That your beauty
Is provocatively alluring
They wondered out aloud
How could you ever be boring

My friends also told me that
Your beauty doesn't evoke any memories for them
Because, they have never been with a woman
Who is as beautiful as you are

 My friends, love to discuss with me
Your beauty and sexuality
What they don't know
And fails to understand
Is, that you're gracefully beautiful
And you are, a wonderful human!